Monday, February 25, 2008

The Countdown Begins 3 More Days

Wow, another crazy day filled with 6th graders. The day went similar to Friday in that the 1st block went the worst, the 2nd block went the best, and 3rd block was in the middle. Mrs. Hirsh thought that the 1st block went well and was complimenting me on my management skills. I thought it went absolutely terrible. I was all over the place trying to figure out the routine for the day and every time I would pause for a moment the students would start talking. I felt like I was making empty threats about losing P.E. time and marking their cards. The poor timing and disorganization drove me crazy. In 2nd block, the students were well behaved and stayed on task for the most part. I was in control of a productive classroom. 3rd block went well, no crazy management struggles. In the afternoon I graded spelling tests for Mrs. Quintanilla and then observed Ms. Starr pull out her hair with her last block. We agreed that the students who have wonderful personalities that would be a blast to have a school dance, are absolute pills in class. I truly enjoy all of my misbehaving students. They are great students who mean well but need to behave in class. Wow, can't believe how short this post turned out to be, but that just goes to show how exhausted I was! lol

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