Friday, February 15, 2008


TGIF! Today I got to hang out with the 5th graders during P.E. and 1st block. Since they don't have a P.E. teacher, the teachers just take the students outside to run. Ms. Starr made her P.E. class run five laps in the parking lot and then let them have free time. Surprisingly, every student was active in their free time. I thought that there would be a select group who would sit by the wall and talk, but everyone was doing something. After P.E. we went in to begin block 1. Ms. Starr was giving a test today so she led them through their stretch and lifework before giving them their test. I decided to observe 5th grade 1st because the 1st block in 6th grade math was doing yesterday's lesson today and I wanted to observe Joyce teach a class that would be similar to the one I would teach. Today in 6th grade math, the students were learning how to classify triangles by sides and angles and how to prove that every triangle has 180 degrees. They used construction paper to cut out triangles, tear off the angles, and then line up the angles to see that they formed a straight angle or a line with 180 degrees. The lesson involved quite a bit of information and little down time. After lunch, I taught the same lesson to block 3. After we graded morning work and lifework and before beginning the lesson, I officially introduced myself to the class. I thought it would help my cause of management. Some of the students still didn't know why I was at KIPP and they thought I was going to be their teacher. I explained to them that I was a college student from Nebraska studying to be a math teacher and that I was teaching their class to gain experience. Mrs. Boubel was in the back of the room again, but I'd like to think that letting them know a little about me helped them behave. The lesson went well, but again I was talking quite a bit and saw some blank stares in the audience. I need to plan what I'm going to say and how I'm going to connect the material to their lives. Joyce does such a great job and for some reason I think I can just go up there and talk off the top of my head. When I do this, there are a lot of pauses and my thoughts don't come out clearly. I need to work on this in the next couple of weeks. It will also help if I know all the students' names so I can call on someone who isn't raising their hand to check for understanding. I know these aspects will come with time and effort. In the afternoon, I went the 7th & 8th grade game hour and I played spoons and speed with some of the students. The 8th graders are so pleasant and mature. After spending the day with 5th & 6th graders who demand so much attention and energy, it is nice to spend time with older students. At 4:00, I went to observe Karate which is one of the elective classes the students can choose from.
~~By the time I am finally posting this blog, it is Sunday so I hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready for another outstanding week. I want to tell you how much I adore everyone who reads my blog. I am so happy to have this medium where I can stay in touch with people and let them know what I am doing. If you ever have any questions about whats going on, just drop me an email or comment and I will be happy to do my best to answer them!

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