Friday, April 25, 2008

It's Friday

Mr. McCain was absent today, so as you can imagine, the seniors weren't as productive. I worked with the student who was absent yesterday and needed major help on her paper. She had decent content, but her organization was terrible. At the beginning of class, she was pretty frustrated because Mr. McCain wasn't there to explain the comments he had made about her paper. She changed her attitude once I explained to her what we needed to fix and told her I would help her get it done. For most of the morning I worked with her, as we reorganized her paper by moving paragraphs around and inserting better transitions. I also tried to help a student who is writing her research paper on the Second Sudan Civil War, but I am completely in the dark about the event and I was unsuccessful in my attempt to find information on the internet. After advisory and lunch, Mr. Woodard took me to Melissa Rash's 7th grade math class to observe. What an eye-opening experience. It was another unproductive, disrespectful class period. I'm beginning to wonder if there is a respect issue with Caucasian females holding authority roles for African American girls. The students wouldn't be quiet long enough for the teacher to explain directions and students were making jokes and laughing the whole time. Very little was accomplished. I don't believe they actually learned anything, just reviewed their homework from the previous night. Mid-way through the period, an African American female administrator entered the room to address the issue. She asked the students what the problem was, to which they responded that it was hot in the room, that their work was boring, and that the teacher continues to talk about the same topics. The administrator explained that the teacher has a good understanding for what they should be learning and they are to respect and obey her. When the administrator left class went a little better, but they still didn't get anything done. Before leaving, I tried to find Mr. Woodard to ask him about my observation, but I was unable to find him and will have to talk to him about next week.

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